Friday, September 16, 2011

The Roman Missal

The Roman Missal 3rd Edition is coming.  This blog will help members of our parish to better understand some of the changes that will take place thanks to this missal.  We will certainly experience a new and vital celebration of the Mass if only we pay closer attention to what we do when we gather.
It will be a challenge for us all, but I think, mostly for the priest who presides at Mass.  Most of the changes will be mine... I will have to do quite a bit more preparation during the week to be ready to celebrate well.
This blog, especially during the next weeks, will highlight specific part of the Mass that will be effected by change.
The homilies at Mass starting September 24/25 and the following 7 weekends will highlight the following topics:
New Missal 101: The What, Why and How of the Roman Missal
Introductory Rites I: Opening Dialogue and Confiteor
Introductory Rites II: The Gloria and Collect
Liturgy of the Word: The Creed
Liturgy of the Eucharist I: Offertory,m Berakah, Orate Fratres
Liturgy of the Eucharist II: Preface Dialogue, Preface, Sanctus
Liturgy of the Eucharist III: The Eucharistic Prayers
Communion Rite and Dismissal: Ecce Agnus Dei, Dismissal

Through these eight weeks and re-reading this blog, you should come to a better understanding of the changes that are about to take place and why.
There is real beauty in our Sacred Liturgy, and recapturing it can be a joy.  Let's together find that joy.

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