for a moment that the Priesthood, like the setting sun, were turned off. Would
not the whole world be in darkness? Where would be the worship of God, the
sacraments, the Most Holy Eucharist, the Word of God, Faith, Charity? All would perish. Imagine for a moment the opposite, i.e. that
the Earth were full of elected Ministers of God, numerous priests and saints… The Almighty wanted to connect the abundance of worthy Workers of the mystical harvest
to the prayer for obtaining it!
He gave it as a command
to the Apostles and the disciples, and he repeated several times saying: ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers
into his harvest.’ In this Divine Word that Jesus Christ ‘was saying’ is contained every
good for the whole Holy
Church , for the whole of
society, for all souls.”
~St. Hannibal
di Francia, Apostle for Vocations
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